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Calender of Events


Front Stage - Back Stage: Mobile Communication and the Renegotiation of the Social Sphere
June 22-24, 2003
Grimstad, Norway

2003 International Summer Conference on Communication and Technology
June 24-27, 2003
Pori, Finland

Towards New Media Paradigms: Content, Producers, Organisations and Audiences
June 27-28, 2003
University of Navarre, Spain


First International Moblogging Conference
July 5, 2003
Tokyo, Japan

the hype: The 1imc is the first-ever gathering of everyone interested in moblogging, whether that interest is primarily in developing tools, platforms and standards to enable the practice, marketing products and services to support it, or in actually going out and doing it!

Mindjack is a sponsor of this event.

July 27-31
San Diego, CA


Defcon 11
August 1-3, 2003
Las Vegas, Nevada

Classic Gaming Expo 2003
August 9-10
Las Vegas, Nevada

Interactive Convergence? Research in Multimedia
August 7-9, 2003
Prague, Czech Republic

Visions of Humanity in Cyberculture, Cyberpunk and Science Fiction
August 11-13, 2003
Prague, Czech Republic

On the Horizon:

Pop!Tech 2003
October 16-19, 2003
Camden, Maine

2003 Interactive Media Forum: Identity & Cultures in Cyberspace
October 27-28, 2003
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, USA


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